Rated: Music Is My Radar
A good Pop album that is old-fashioned made with modern skills.AlunaGeorge's Body Music is summery and youth like-able music that could refresh,just a little, the charts scene.
The debut record of the duo is the right way to do what many bands are doing these days. This album is very attractive and catchy from the beginning to end, with a late 1990's early 00's vibe. That vintage feeling is mixed with more fashionable sounds and
eclectic ones that are almost like a soft version of Safri Duo. There's also a joy for immature sounds that make the album more entertaining, young and not just to make pop-dance music and being repetitive or sound like one of the bunch.
The record has many beautiful made sounds that blend perfectly.With a little bit R&B the Electronic sounds are complemented and creating, not a unique way but rather special way to produce an amalgam of liberating,entertaining and sort of 'sophisticated' music that for nowadays is atypical. Although it has it moments hyper/power dance-pop music it also have and moments that are more quiet,anyhow the 14 songs all together could bore, because is plenty of the same , there are crucial moments in each song that bring back the playful and experimental sounds which just make the album better.
The album accomplish what the band say, that is music for every moment, probably is more for the youth but there's a genius way to show the style the band has that can transcend ages because has something enchanting. The album is interesting as for the duo so for being a first album is incredible the level it has but at the same is not overproduced and perfect so is very nice for the duo to introduce their self with this.
Recommend: You Know You Like It,Attracting Flies, Kaleidoscope Love, Just a Touch, Body Music
Not So Much: Friends to Lovers