
Sunday, 2 September 2012

BEACON by Two Door Cinema Club

Rated:A Kind of Magic

They have change a bit and all for good. More in the "commercial" side than their debut album but more enjoyable as well.

Unlike the previous album this has highs and lows in a beat-y way and that's what makes it not boring at all. 'Tourist History' was good but sort of plain nothing amazing but now with 'Beacon'
the band have found a more catchy and enjoyable electro-pop-rock sound. The new vibe is felt from start to end, since the first, ,'Next Year',song you can hear a more pumped up beat that easily overshadows their previous work. The album continues with 'Handshake' which shows the evolution very well and thereafter the album become even more delightful.

All songs have a incredible inviting beat. Two Door Cinema Club reached the harmony between voice and incredible well played instruments. In songs like  'Beacon',the unfortunately too short 'Pyramid' and 'Sun' the bass plays big part and make them sound absolutely brilliant. The rhythm is so good that in 'The World Is Watching' and  'Wake Up' it turns more dancy, and both have a vintage style and impressive music.And the extraordinary sound of instruments doesn't stop in the more relaxing songs like 'Spring' which is so enjoyable and probably their best. 'Settle' also starts a bit quiet but gradually explode in glee. There's also a song that sound amazing and is more like a reminder or a connection to their previous album and recalls to The Strokes as well, not just for the title 'Someday' but for the guitars.

Although fans will say "they will never top Tourist History" they will like it because they improved their work and I would say the first album was a descent job but this album is a lot better perhaps I would have put songs in  another order but aside that every thing's fine.Everything is in place and on time.

Recommendations: Spring, Pyramid, Handshake, Next Year, The World Is Watching (With Valentina)
Not So Much: Sleep Alone

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