
Sunday, 28 October 2012

18 Months by Calvin Harris

Rated: (I can't get no) Satisfaction 

Rather than an proper studio album this is compilation of singles that we have overheard since 'Awooga' in march of 2011. The Album has all the collaborations, or most of them, Calvin Harris has made during the past 18 months.

As a well know fact Calvin Harris have changed everything not improve just changed style, he's not the singer anymore etc. but  leaving that behind and listening as a new artist the result is fine but the verdict is that He stills better on his own. Since the collaboration with Rihanna he has been trying to repeat the same jam and is so boring to hear the same over and over, feels almost like is the same note with differents instruments. I applauded his idea to leave the vocals and to take different ways and the "first" 3 singles were amazing ('Awooga', 'Bounce' and 'Feel So Close') , they were a nice change but they were entertaining and soft electronic/dance music also have some variations,but most of the other songs in the album follow a pattern and make the album so dull.

What make the album good is the tracks that don't come in someone else's album (or are not collaborations)  and have Calvin Harris personal mode, this songs are softer than others and luckily balance the album, 'School' is funky and brilliant. Tracks like 'Mansion' are  very dj-ish, some one with a console, and almost like Daft Punk, so are very dancy and fun, this tracks work more like intros to different chapters of the album which made it a bit interesting. The good songs clash hard with the awful ones because they are not the same, ones are from "Now: that's what i call the same song remixed by various artists 2011/12" and the other ones are from a Calvin Harris nice album.

Another good thing is that the album is modern and hip without making dubstep or an annoying remix, except from the deluxe edition, and still electronic-dance pop music. What is annoying is the lack of new tracks and that 'Mr. Harris' is trying to get all the credit from collaborations, he did the music and is the producer such as William Orbit did for 'Ray of Light' and he didn't went to pick the awards neither did Dr. Luke. or Ke$ha with Britney Spears 'Till The World Ends'.  This "Calvin Harris Greatest Hits 2011-2012" has its moments and the way different good sounds are mixed is brilliant but is a shame that is too repetitive and that best bits are not well exposed.The mayor problem: nothing really to go bankers for or remarkable but snooping through layers you can find good sounds.Also is a bit sad that he is know, worldwide,  as the guy who work with Rihanna and not for his amazing previous works. 

To Listen: Green Valley, Bounce, Feel So Close,We Found Love,Mansion, School, Awooga
Not Recommended: Iron, Let's Go,Here To China,Drinking from the Bottle

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