
Sunday, 11 November 2012

Lotus by Christina Aguilera

Rated:A Kind of Magic

As many other artists Christina wants to go back and create music like from her beginnings and give a modern twist but she went too much time back and the sound is her but very amateur. 

What is confusing is that Christina Aguilera was pioneer in the prototype of "Pop Princess" and now this album sounds like she is one new girl trying to emulate The Queen or any princess , which is fine, and she wants to be remarkable once again. The album starts with a nice "intro" sampling M83 and sounding like a midpoint within Ellie Goulding and Madonna's synthetic voices  in American Life, that is actually the sound of entire record with bits of Christina's very own Stripped. So the album is in the 00's mood which is good, soft electro-pop and somehow more personal. As to her voice in some parts is too much, almost boring, but is kind of nice, mostly.

The sound sometimes gets experimental which makes the album interesting and not dull. At moments it sounds like it could be a collaboration with Calvin Harris but less heavy electronic so she can stands out.In  'Make The World Move' (featuring CeeLo Green) the sound is like vintage sounds a lot like a sample and in 'Cease Fire' and 'Circles' the sound is more Rihanna-ish with African touches. The best beats of the album are the slow ones, as always from Christina Aguilera, where she sings her heart out etc.  there for the second half is better and cleaning the bad from first half. 

Perhaps with less hip sounds,less pop as well, more R&B and more passion  like 'Back to Basics' or 'Stripped' the "come back" would been better. Her essence still there, more immature though, just needs to get back her style instead of pretending to still searching for her style. 

To Listen: Just A Fool, Cease Fire, Blank Page
Avoid: Your Body, Around The World

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