
Sunday 17 March 2013

Every Weekend by Hadouken

 Rated: Lucy in the Sky 

(don't understand why some people are hating it)
In a more radio-friendly attempt Hadouken! made an amazing job keeping their style, upgrading it and renovating it without loosing anything. Is always good when a band moves forward but stills caring a strong core that made them famous and thats what this album is, is not a SO notable change but could be guideline to the future.

The album stars in a classical band -spectacular- manner, with touches of dubstep and aggression, but then it gets more controlled, even shy, but as it progress it goes from from lows to highs, very entertaining. Songs has moments of sweetness like in songs 'Stop Time' ,which has summer hit aspirations, or the wonderful 'Levitate',but  keep an intense theme. Many beats of different genres but with the classic traditional Hadouken! twist so it has many variations from the same basket, even has gospel-ish  moments (Spill Your Guts), to a kind of african drums played so fast mixed with dubstep (Vessel) and  pieces of boy band pop.'Bliss Out' have moments when you can hear a neo-psycho The Beatles rave style.

The most interesting and fabulous thing is how the influences are there but withou being too obvious, you can notice gleams of Faithless,The Prodigy,Chemical Brothers and at some point the album has beats that reminds the not so popular electronic and dance scene from the late 90's,sometimes even can hear ATB sparks (Mecha Love),all this mixed with the typical  video-game soundtrack alike and new rave sounds. How They managed to bring the 1990s in a not so vulgar and evident way is astonishing and rewarding, they have always aimed to but this is probably the album where it shines the most,specially in tracks 'As One','Come Down', 'Bad Signal'.

Every Weekend is like a essential album to introduce Hadouken! because sound a lot likea extended play of their first ever single 'That Boy That Girl' and thats why is so radio-friendly because hits Pop and what is fashionable without falling in clichés. From first song to the bonus tracks [Oxygen is BRILLIANT!] the record is full of explosions and fun with vintage airs but is very modern with plenty floorfillers that transport you to an accelerated culture that releases tension so fast.

Recommended: Vortex, Levitate, Bliss Out, As One,Stop Time,Comedown,Daylight,Vessel, Oxygen

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